Preparing for a Boudoir Session? Avoid This Mistake

Preparing for your boudoir photo shoot? Don't make this mistake.

You’re excited for your boudoir photo shoot—who wouldn’t be? It’s the ultimate expression of the feminine power, regardless of who the photos are intended for. What happens between the moment you book and the moment you arrive to our studio is the most important contributor to a photo shoot experience you’ll treasure (second to actually booking the shoot itself).

As soon as you book, JRP Boudoir will guide you through the the following processes:

  • Lingerie types

  • Best places to shop

  • What to wear to the shoot

  • What to bring to the shoot

  • How to connect with other JRP Boudoir Bombshells

Until then, we would like to share with you one of the most common mistakes we witness clients make while preparing for their boudoir photo shoot:

Do not—under any circumstance—try to convince yourself that your body is not “ready” for boudoir.

You don’t need to start a diet or an excessive exercise regime because you scheduled a photoshoot. The real beauty of boudoir is up to the photographer, whom you should trust both as. person and as an artist (read: please do not book with anyone who makes you feel uncomfortable). Images you will adore depend heavily on lighting, angles, and poses. That’s why it’s an art form. Take our advice and avoid the drama; we can make you look best any day of the week.

Remember that boudoir is as much about highlighting your inner beauty as it is your outer. Follow this rule first and foremost, and you’ll be well on your way to making the absolute most of your photoshoot.


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